Couples Workshops

Spend the weekend investing in your most meaningful relationship.


“I wanted to thank you so much for your time, passion, dedication and amazing expertise for all you do for us as a couple and for other couples too. We are really glad we were able to join this couples’ weekend. It was SO powerful in so many ways”

— Laura

Next Couples Workshop

January 31st- Febuary 2nd

Friday January 31st | 6 PM - 9 PM 

Saturday Febuary 1st | 9 AM- 5 PM 

Sunday Febuary 2nd | 9AM - 12 PM

This workshop is right for you if:

  • You want a more meaningful connection with your partner

  • You crave a coupleship that can have courageous conversations

  • You feel stuck or wish to re-ignite your relationship

  • You are at the beginning of your relationship and you want to create a firm foundation

  • You have been in a long term relationship and in need of a re-charge

Take your connection and emotional intimacy to the next level. Experience a wholehearted, meaningful relationship. Feel truly seen and known by your partner.

Sign up now

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