Counseling Services


Individual Counseling

My client’s participate in counseling with a desire to resolve any issues preventing them from experiencing fulfillment in life. Many clients come to me out of a desire to change feeling:

  • stuck, overburdened or lost

  • depression, emotional pain or grief

  • overwhelm, anxiety or stress.

  • post-traumatic stress

  • addiction recovery

  • dissatisfaction of career, relationships or life overall


Couples Counseling

I help couples take their connection and emotional intimacy to the next level. My goal is to help couples experience a wholehearted, meaningful relationship and feel truly seen and known by their partner. Many couples chose to work with me through individual couples sessions, couples workshops, and couples intensives.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have build against it.”



Family Counseling

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Counseling services for families can include help with parenting, increasing emotional awareness of family members, navigating relationships with adult children, and development of communications skills.